May 24, 2016

Updates, downloads, and post-6/2 patch problem reports - Update 6/14/16

Edit 6/14/15: I know I've been missing in action lately but I've been busy updating meshes and doing a LOT of experimentation and testing, and updating my tools to do the stuff I need to do to adapt to the gender-morph patch. I want to accommodate users' individual preferences as much as possible so expect to see the following.

Penis, nipples, nude in CAS/no nude in CAS, and fixes for Schrodinger's Penis aka random penis popping up unexpectedly or not popping up when expected: all bundled into one set of mods with many options since they're now interrelated and many people are going to find separate mods confusing.  I'm planning the usual penis on males (including males in feminine frame), nipples on females, and an option for penis on females in masculine frame. Nude in CAS will of course be available.

I can also do an "All penis all the time" to give females penises in both frames if requested. Is there any demand for males in Feminine Frame to lose their penises? I can see if that can be done too.

I'm currently doing some tweaking and final testing. In the meantime the current Nude in CAS should fix the wandering penises.

Edit 6/7/16: I see your comments and appreciate them, but I'm working on updating my mods for the 6/2/16 patch which made a lot of basic changes to how the game works with CAS parts, and I just don't have time to reply. Be assured I am working on the problems!

Please report patch-related problems here with as much detail as you can, including which relevant mods you have installed and whether they were updated for the patch. The comment threads for my more popular mods are full and I don't have time now to delete old comments, so I'm more likely to see them here. And please don't just say "It doesn't work" or "The patch broke it" or even "Please fix" - make it informative! :)

For people getting a penis on females and a missing penis on males, please try installing the new version of my Nude in CAS mod and see if that fixes it. If you have sims who already have the wrong nude bottom, you can try resetting the bathing outfit using this:

Fixed mods:

TS4 Nude in CAS - 6/6
TS4 female EA Details skin - 6/7

5/24/15: Sorry the downloads were unavailable recently. My former web host retired the server I was using and required me to migrate to a new system which would be pay instead of included with a domain. It took a little time to find a new host and get everything uploaded, relinked, and tested. Everything should be working now.



  1. I must thank you for giving attention to the matter and fixing it, given that most of the modders left modding, and now lots of CC for TS3 are gone...
    It's relieving to see one of the most important modders still active, whose contributions are essential to a better/realistc gameplay.
    No matter how many times I thank you, it'll never be enough, as you are, no doubt, busy with IRL stuff(aren't we all?)!

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, RL has been taking a lot of my energy but I don't want to leave modding behind. :)

    2. Hey cmar love your work but the nude defaults and the nude in cas are not working in my game as of the latest patch. Any suggestions?

    3. I just wanted to apologize for the double post. It was my first time posting on here. Thought I did it wrong the first time. :) Anyway love your mods and am excited that you are working to update them. Thanks for taking the time to work on this.

  2. Replies
    1. Sims 4 has a very different structure and uses a different language. At this time I don't plan to take the time to learn it.

  3. Hey Cmar I love your nude replacements for Sims 4 but unfortunately after today none of the replacements work nor does the nude in CAS mod. They did an update which is probably the issue. Do you have plans to update these?

  4. Just for your info.
    Now we have today's patch (
    And I think all of your mods/cc needs to be fixed, I think.

  5. will you be updating any of your skins for this latest patch? your 10/14 skin has a weird haze over the top now and the other skins I couldnt get to work at all post patch.

  6. Hey Cmar! Good to have you back! Can you test this mod on your game? After the last patch it seems that it's breaking the nude mesh of the sims (causing them to have an invisible mesh).

  7. sadly these mods don't work with the new update, you click the x on said clothing instead of nude sims its a sim with no upper [if said sim is female] and no lower for both, hopeful an update comes soon to fix it

  8. Your Nude in CAS is broken since the latest patch

  9. The new patch broke the mods unfortunately.

  10. Hello Cmar!
    I am currently having issues with the Default Replacement skins. They've been working with the other previous versions of The Sims 4, but now they simply stopped working.
    I tried installing your other mod that was created in October 14 but that made their torsos invisible.
    I have tried the aaapiority and it still does work.
    I don't know if it was the update that messed everything up.
    And welcome back

  11. Sure am glad you're still around. Would deeply appreciate it of you would update your penis mod for Sims 4 as the new Sims updates seem to be interfering with it in many cases. I believe your last was V3. Sure could use a V4 version. Thanks

  12. Are you going to update the Sims 4 Nude mods for the latest patch? There's an issue with the whole "feminine or masculine" clothing which causes the mod to think that the clothing is on a male.
    For example:
    Masculine bottoms on female = penis bottom when naked
    Feminine bottoms on male = no penis bottom
    Some of my women who wear masculine clothes have no nipples.

    1. If you read the post above you would see that Cmar has already stated they are working on it.

  13. Thanks so much for the updates!! Can't wait for the male nude skin!!

  14. The problem I seem to be having is when my sim is nude in game play. Whenever he takes a shower skinny dips or walks around nude his penis is no longer there. But it does show up when he is wearing the penis as a bottom for an outfit. It also works with the nude in CAS mod.

    1. Are you using my NudeInCAS mod? That should fix it until I can get a more complete mod finished. See my post above about resetting the nude outfit.

  15. My male sims seem to have all their penises in the right place, however my female sims show a penis when taking a shower even with Nude in Cas V2 installed.

    1. Did you reset the nude outfit as in my post above?

  16. Hello! I'm having some weirdness going on. I set one of my female sims to be able to impregnate others and when I have the penis mod installed it gives her one (which I did not want to happen) and makes a weird gap between her bottom and top halves when she's naked. When I remove the penis mod she has the proper replacement skin on both halves (I use all your mods and the moxie mason no mosaic mod). I hope that's enough info! ^.^

    1. Oh sorry forgot to mention I did update the nude in CAS and female replacement skin mods and tested with the new versions, you did mention knowing about the penis on females so I'd hoped that would fix it, it's still doing it though.

    2. Did you reset the bathing outfit? ( Are you sure you removed any old versions of Nude in CAS? I haven't seen this behavior in my own game but will include it in testing.

    3. Could also possibly be that the penis mod is outdated - although it really shouldn't happen anyway with Nude In CAS installed. But hopefully the new set of penis/nude/whatever mods will resolve the problem.

    4. Oh shoot no I forgot about that sorry. My mistake.

    5. Ok now I've tried reseting the bathing outfit, twice to be sure I did it right, still there and still has a weird gap. See?

    6. Thanks for the report. The gap is because you're using old meshes for the penis and nipples. Why the penis is still showing on a female I don't understand. Anyway, please remove ALL the old penis, nipple, and Nude in CAS mods and any nude clothing and try the new Sims 4 Anatomy mod I uploaded today, and let me know.

    7. I have the new mods, no mosaic, and the reset bathing outfit, nothing else, it's still doing it. I tried reseting the bathing outfit multiple times again too. )= I'm pretty sure it has to do with her being set to be able to get sims pregnant since the other alien doesn't have that issue and she's set to be able to get pregnant instead. Is it possible that's a different issue than having a masculine frame? Cuz neither of them have that.

    8. I tested again and don't get this behavior in my game. When you reset the bathing outfit, did you get a confirmatory message in the console? If not, make sure you have the bathing outfit reset mod installed correctly (in the main Mods folder and still zipped), that you have "Enable Script Mods" checked in Options / Other, and that you're seeing it listed when the game starts.

      Did you download the male bottom again since yesterday? If so the gap should be gone. If it isn't, the only thing I can think of is that you've got an old version still installed somewhere.

    9. Alrighty. Well since I seem to be the only one experiencing the issue I'll g ahead and assume it's just something weird about my set up and stop bugging you about it. Though I'll let you know if I figure it out on the off chance it helps someone else. Anyway thanks for trying to help ^.^

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hello, please update the TS4 CAS / Mesh Tools, this one giving error when opening clothes of the new update of Sims4Studio_v2.7.1.4 (Jackpot)

    1. Link me to a download of a couple of packages you can't open and I'll take a look.
